What I love about myself

In the blog I wrote about 2022 I talked about how I want to work on forgiving myself. I think part of forgiving myself has to start with loving myself. I was listening to Gretchen Clark’s podcast and she said to write down all the things you love about yourself. Not physical things but things you love that you do, who you are, etc. Since I thought that went hand in hand with me working on forgiving myself I thought I’d take a stab at it.

What I didn’t really realize was how little I thought of myself (working on this, goal for 2022!) I could think of 5 things I love about myself.

  1. I am kind.

  2. I put others before myself.

  3. I love big.

  4. I am a great mom.

  5. I am a hard worker.

I have never been the kind of person to brag on myself. It feels weird to say, “I’m so good at X, Y, Z.” I’ve never been that confident person. I wish I had that but it feels so awkward to me. Apparently one of my goals should’ve been to have more confidence, ooooops.

I think that confidence will come though. I think once I start loving myself more then the confidence comes naturally. I’ve always had horrible self esteem. I don’t even know if I can pinpoint why exactly. I think a lot of it stems from bad relationships I’ve been in, my horrible fear of abandonment and many other things I’m sure. This year I’m working on my self esteem, my confidence and I’m going to be able to have a list a mile long of things I love about myself by the end of the year. I just know it.

I kind of feel like this is my Tuscan Sun movie year or something. Minus all the fun traveling around and all of that. This will be the year I discover myself, love who I discover and become an all around better person. In all honesty, I think I’m great to others but I think I’m really horrible to myself. I hear it all the time but I think it has to be true, “people can’t love you if you don’t love yourself.” This year I commit to more love for myself and others.

“How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you.” - Rupi Kaur



PersonalJessica Ross